Page 54 - YB1948_Classical
P. 54
JEAN COHEN ELEANOR PEERS COLLINS 817 Lake Drive 212 Juniper Street Baltimore 17, Maryland Quakertown, Pennsylvania Gold Bllg 2, 3, 4; Managing Eduor 3, 4; French. Clu.b 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2; Tri-Bem Editor 4; Argonauts 4; Radio Broadcast. 3 3, Hist,orian..f. Talented and versatile humorist : . any- "Skippy" ... always gay and cheerful with thing for a buddy. . can always be undertones of thoughtfulness ... very ac- found(? ? ??) .. considers lateness the tive. fond or sports with an emphasis on privilege of a former army gal ... reluc- tennis and ping-pong ... has traveled tant intellectual. . Oh, that Russian lit! ! abroad and would like to teach in Turkey, ... "Jane, have you finished War and where her father is a physics professor Peace?" ... famous for "A Slant on the . a lover of classical music. . once Hill". . "Don't tel! Inc your troubles" worked as a Farmereue ... a Montgomery used to make class by 9:15, now gets County schoolmarm who experimented with there at 9:10, thanks to Ruby Lee ... al- the "core" system ... a nimble wit and a ways lastto retire in McDaniel ... person- conscientious student. ality plus! ! ! 51
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