Page 51 - YB1948_Classical
P. 51
MADELINE JEAN BUHRMAN GEORGE LeROY CAllR Craceham, Maryland Upperco, Maryland Glee Ctub 1, 2, 3, 4; Choir 4; Argonauts Hospians 1; Basketball Mmwger 1,2; Stu- 3,4; French Clnb I, 2, 3, 4 dent Government 2; Pi A lpha A [pita, Presi- dent 4 "Peg" ... leads the busy life of a music One of those physics majors with enough major-always trying to find time to prac- hours for a math major too ... chauffeur tice piano and voice ... very petite with for "Mom" . plans to leach high school dark brown eyes .. McDaniel Hall inhabi- ... parL of"his summers have been spent ill tant for three years ... just hates geuing lip navigating 11 big tractor-trailer truck. in the morniug! . always optimistic. his favorite, "Give me a Federal" keeps looks forward La week-ends ... can be a pet Hying squirrel ill his room record counted on to have food on hand. loves collector. . anything from Spike Jones to dancing, football and life in general. Tsclmikowski ... wonderful sense of humor plans to leach public school music. . .. quiet and always dependable. Dean's Lister. 48
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