Page 57 - YB1948_Classical
P. 57
ADELAIDE CORRY CROW WALTER EDWARD CUSHEN 616 Woodbine Avenue 1519 Virginia Avenue Hagerstown, Maryland Towson 4, Maryland Men's Student Government President 4; Delta Sigma Kappa, Chaplain 2 Gold Bug Staff 1, 2, 3; Argonauts 4; French cia. 3; Camera. Club t, College Players 3; Gamma Beta Chi:, Gamma 4 "Addie" ... that well-scrubbed All-Ameri- An acknowledged genius with an amazing can look. _ . emphatic, frank, and sincere scholastic record ... Charter member of .. likeable and fun loving, she's always Westminster Light Society .. future Phil- ready for a good time ... unique distinc- osophy prof; will matriculate at Harvard tion of being godmother of our deceased no stuffy intellectual is Ed; liked by feathered friend "Addie" Crow .. _ music- everyone ... sincere friend ... an authority ally inclined, with a strong, clear voice on a thousands subjects [rom hieroglyphics if nobody else will laugh, tell it to "Addie" to Beethoven ... rarely stumped by any .. good dancer definite in speech, walk, question ... proud of being a Gamma Bet and personality champion of Hampden- ... always 011 the go ... tries to make over- Sydney _ .. "clean cut". tricks on a grand-slam bid. 54
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