Page 50 - YB1948_Classical
P. 50
RICHARD CLAYTON BUCHER CATHERINE GEOHGIA BUCKEL 5611 Jonquil Avenue 920 6th Street Baltimore 15, Maryland Reading, Pennsylvania French Clu.b t, 2, 3, Secretary +; IRe 1, 2,3; Argonauts 3, -I; Gold Bag 1; College Broadcasting 3; Glee cua. J "Kaye" on eampus-e-t'Mees Bockle" in "Dick" .. transferred from WIHlrtoll School of Business at University 0(" Penn- class _ . eats, sleeps and talks French. makes McDaniel bounce with five hundred sylvania ... an economics major with a nightly bumps ... keeps dining room crew minor in bot.h sociology and political sci- busy. . an arter·dinner regular in the rec. ence . _ . especially interested in accounting . . spends rest of the duy in the _hopes to become a C.P.A. after gradua. library . noted for speed and length of Lion _ . spent three and a half years as 11 conversation.. supplements her talking C.T. in Europe and the Philippines ... in- with eyes and hands .. , interested in clothes terested in hunting, fishing, swimming and and designing . also radio work. . al. outdoor: lire in genera]. . congenial per- ways good for an "A", sonality makes him well-liked on campus. 47
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