Page 197 - YB1948_Classical
P. 197
First /(ow: B. Taylor, W. Steele, A. i\'iei\lahall. S. Dixon, J. Minnis. Sc~()"d RUII!: D. Grauel, L. Heese, M. Hup- penl\Jal, H. Mtlce, E. Weeks, D. Gamber. Basketball practice started after Christ- wards - Gladys Sause, Martha Witter, mas recess. The season proved to be an Wilma Steele; a.lternates-Betsy Taylor and interesting one, indeed, in both intramural Rita Bittle; guards-Peggy Brown, Ruth and intercollegiate events. The senior Wentz, Annette McMahon; alternates- women took the championship again for Kilty Brown and Reba Wentz. the Fourth year. They leave behind them Just prior 10 the spring recess, volleybaU no losses and only one tie in four seasons took over the sports calendar. The game, of play. always popular, drew many prospective The same girls started the intercollegiate players. After two weeks of practice, class season at Gettysburg College in a game that teams were chosen by Miss Parker and turned out to be the most highly contested Miss Todd. match in several seasons. Western Mary- The senior "A" learn won the champion- land carne up from behind in the last quar- ter to take the lead. Gettysburg picked up 1\-1.Willer. E. Harlow. D. Grauel. a point in the last few seconds to end t.he game in a tie. Towson State Teachers College was the next opponent at a two-game match here at the college. Western Maryland had little difficulty in winning both games. The third and last match was played here with Mt. St. Joseph's College. Both West- ern Maryland teams won again by an easy margin. For the 1948 season the honorary bas- ketball team was elected as follows: for-
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