Page 192 - YB1948_Classical
P. 192
GOLF With Professor John Makosky on a leave Bradley, and Jack Spickna ll showed of absence, Dr. Lloyd Straughn took over promise. the golf reins. As usual, the spring weather The Terrors faced a tough twelve-match of Westminster slowed up the divot dig- card, which included such powers as Mary- gers' preparation for a busy campaign. land, Lehigh, Juniata, and Johns Hopkins. The club slingers received keen losses Aside from the twelve dual tests, the Ter- via the graduation route, as Fred Hollo- rors participated in three tournaments. way, Mike Phillips, and Carlton Mendell First was the Mason-Dixon Tournament, left the Hill. While the Terrors did not held in Baltimore. Then came the ninth annual Western Maryland Invitation Tour- have a low-scoring ace to step into Captain nament, with Maryland playing the role as Fred Holloway's shoes, they did appear La defending champion. The season was com- have a better balanced team. pleted at the Maryland State Collegiate Walt. Sibiski, Al Jacobson, and Frank open on the very difficult Naval Academy Stephenson possessed the potentialities of course. In these tournaments the Terrors valuable point-getters, while Al Bright, Dan competed with leading learns in the East. First RQI~; Gradley, Grose, Cushing. Second Now; Siraughn, Coach, StCI'Io~nS
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