Page 198 - YB1948_Classical
P. 198
ship [or the first division after a sweeping As always t.he first warm days of spring victory of 30-15 over the junior teum. The found matly women practicing golf, arch- second division ended in a three-way tie ery, and softball in the af temoons. Spring between junior "8", freshman "8", and the brings out a lot of "part-time" athletes on mixed team. the campus who like to hike or try their The honorary volleyball team was chosen skill at golf. by the WAA board and consisted 0(: The weather was not favorable for an Jean Sause, Gladys Sause, Annette Me- early start at tennis, but a few enthusiasts Mahon; cenzer-e-Beuy Linton, Hope Kel- started practice in Blanche Ward Gym be- lam, Ruth Wentz; back-Betlye Benson, fore the courts were ready. \Vhen the Reba Wentz, Martha Witter; aliemates-« weather man finally came through, an Kathy Manlove, Dorothy Alexander, and anxious crowd gathered 011 the courts prac- Sue Dixon. Many of these girls went to ticing all hours of the day for the inter- Hood for the Play Day games. class tennis tournament. Class and tournu- menl champions were determined after several weeks of fast and furious play. Jean Minnis, Virginia Clayton, Jeanne Pat- terson, and A nnu Hess were chosen to rep- resent the college in tennis at Hood College at the Play Day program on the tenth of April, and did a grand job after only a short practice period. A rchery was less affected by the weather than other spring events. Immediately after spring vacation veteran and beginning
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