Page 199 - YB1948_Classical
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archers alike began practice. Miss Todd should receive much of the credit for the great amount of improvement that wAs made by the girls in the brief period before the Play Day events. June Craf', Jane Birch, and Nancy Lee Winkleman were selected to compete at Hood College. Softball has always drawn a lot of in- terest, but seems to suffer a great deal from temperamental weather conditions. A team was selected to play at Hood, again after only a few days of actual practice. Intra- mural contests were scheduled, but unfor- tunately no intercollegiate games could be handled. The softball learn made a grand showing on the Play Day program. The D. Gamber, 13. Armiger. B. wsm, P. Brown. girls who played were: Ruth Wentz, Betsy Taylor, Martha Witter, Gladys Sause, Sue interest and encourage new fans, and, even Dixon, Reba Wentz, Charlotte Janney, Jean though it seems nearly impossible for some Mellon, and Betty Lenz. to make a pa r, everyone has Jots of fun On almost any sunny spring day, the golf trying. A few of the girl golfers were course is crowded with Fans who are striv- Nancy McAflister, Betty Mason, Martha ing La better their score from the last time WiLLer, Ruth Anderson, Dotty Wilder, they played. The instruction given in golf "Onion" Carlock, Betty Armiger, Helen in the girls' gym classes has done much to Lingenfelter, and Rena fuss. First Now; fl. LlIdwig. L. !lee"e, S. Workrna'i. E. While. S~co/!I{ Row: J. [)ulIglnre)". E. Fisl,~r, L. IĀ·licks, B. Pfoutx, T. L. KIJl11pnrrck.
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