Page 173 - YB1948_Classical
P. 173
First !lIJw: CoL SUlith, Lt. Col. Knepp, Second Lt Beck, Maj. DuBose. S~cIJl!d RQw: First Sgt. lIlilcs, l\l/Sgl. lIolden, First Sgt. Derrick, First Sgt. Puryear. R.O.T.e. This year finds this organization, which the excellent rating which the unit re- has HS its purpose the building of sound ceived last year, numerous obstacles had minds and bodies as well as preparing fu- to be overcome. Colonel Carleton Smith, ture leaders of the Army, firmly reestab- P.M.S. and T., and Major Charles DuBose, lished after a war-rime absence. To obtain were assigned this task, which they have admirably accomplished. H. Bright. Cadet Captain, SOl/filion AdjItUHI', C. Ortenzi, Cadet Lt. CoL, BallafilJf/ Commander, D. Brohawn, First among these obstacles was that the Cudet lIluj., fja/whorl {;.·xecllliue Officel men destined to become cadet officers were new to college life as well as to their duties in H.O.T.C. These men, who had recently been discharged from the service, entered the unit Cor various personal reasons. The regular army officers had the task 0(" im- pressing upon these men their duties as cadets and as future army officers. Since many of the males in the student body were veterans, and since most of these were anti- militarisrio, some resentment and ridicule
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