Page 168 - YB1948_Classical
P. 168
The 194ยท7-4,8 year leaves a lot of fond quet at Sbouie's. The winter provided the memories ror the Preachers. For the first hat with the basketball title. Spring lime in several years the club failed to cap- lu-ought more new members, another ban- lure the touch football crown, but the team quet, and a 101 of fun with the sports pro- showed a lot of do-or-die spirit and it was gram. It was fun hearing "Moon" Paul fun even if they did die instead of do. solicit dues and kick about expenditures. December saw a large crowd at the Christ- "Ug" Yaglinski did a fine job keeping the mas dance and according 10 some reports club in good order but no one ever caught the music and the decorations were O.K. Tn January the Preachers welcomed new him doing any of the dirty work. Farewell members and had a great time at the ban. seniors-drop back to see us some time. Ilummersia Schreck Ih-lght Eckhardt Crcund Kohosko Ridgell Leap SpieknaJi Corrado Fink Gruber Lichty Patten Mishler Stephenson Cropper Formwah Hackman Schaeffer Wallick Paul Stern DenllY Giannelli Haddaway Sgariglio Y~glinski fuce Tullai Dyke Einsberg Hale Smith,1. Zawacki
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