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P. 170
The fall semester opened with the prom- tliern-c-t'Hod" Austin for common sense ise of a successful yeaI'. OUI' accomplish- and responsibility; Doug Beakes for his ments included the touch football cham- athletic ability and his collegiate look; pionship, second place in the basketball Stan Brewer for his home in Vetville and competition, a very successful Homecoming his vacuum cleaner; Ed Cushen for his dance, and the annual smoker. One of the quick wit and his "talk" in assembly; Bill outstanding features of the year was the Finck for chemistry and Cascades; Jim purchase of the first television set on the Grose for his associate professorship or campus. It provided entertainment, not economics and his habitual coffee in the only for the members, but for t.heir friends Crille; Frank Middleton for his writing as well From their ring-side seats, the ability and his sax; Ken Vclkart for his members have watched numerous box- various sports and his bad puns; Al Wild- ing matches, wrestling matches, basketball berger for his wit and his courses in games, etc. psychology; Bob Wagner For his diplomacy Since success in fraternity is success in in political science and his military look. fellowship, we must think of OUI' depart- A vole of thanks is due to Dr. Straughn ing senior members and how we remember [or his help and leadership during the year. Warner Callus Engle Noble Spinel Pietrnlorte Witdberger Christopher Hamilton Pettit Brewer Rogers Bradley Donley Hummurgren Rhodes Kiehne Siblski Brewington Elliott, E. Kagle Sausser Knepp Wilmer
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