Page 174 - YB1948_Classical
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on the part of this group had to be tolerated and overcome. In spite of the fact that this last difficulty has not been overcome completely, a well organized and smoothly functioning unit has been molded. This year has seen the addition of Lt. Colonel Knepp, himself a graduate of WMC, as we1l as of the pre-war R.O.T.C. Unit, and Lt. Beck. These two officers have been of inestimable value in providing in- struction to the expanding unit. One objection many students of the ele- mentary class expressed was that in order to enter the advanced course they would have to take a compulsory six-weeks' summer course at. an army camp. Many of these objections have been overcome by the members of the present senior class of KO.T.C. who lust year attended this summer course at Fort Meade, Maryland. Color Cuard Tales of the gay social events indulged in by these men as a united group have course satisfactorily, including the summer trickled back to the campus. And, of course, before a reserve commission will course, when word got around that the train- ing could be endured by all without diffi- be awarded. Another small stipulation is culty, interest in the advanced course in- the completion of Jour years of college. creased. For the benefi.t of the uninitiated, It was mentioned above that last year a student must complete the advanced WMC's RO.T.C. Unit received a raring of
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