Page 176 - YB1948_Classical
P. 176
Company A excellent. At that time it was the highest unit look place. Since Western Maryland rating given. This year the ratings will was the first school to have its unit in- be superior, excellent, good, satisfactory, spected, it was the contention or Colonel and unsatisfactory. These ratings are given Smith that the unit should present a pro· on a comparative basis. An inspection gram by which the other schools could be team from Army Headquarters inspects all judged. The morning hours found the in- the schools in the Second Army Area, and spectors intensively questioning the various ratings are then made. Last year the unit classes on the work covered throughout the ranked second only to V.M.l., and that by entire year. Team demonstrations with the a fraction of a point. This year, it is hoped mortar and machine gun were presented that the unit will attain the superior rating with the result that high praise was received second to none. f rom the instructors. In the afternoon t.hc On April 21 the annual inspection or the battalion review was presented, officiated Company B
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