Page 109 - YB1948_Classical
P. 109
JOSEFI-i MARSHALL THOMPSON MARY ELIZABeTH TODn West Locust Street 8235 Old Philadelphia Road Oxford, Pennsylvania Baltimore 6, Maryland Basketball t, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 3, 4; Baseball IRe t 2, Vice President. 3, President -I: 3, 4; Golf 3; Delta P; Alpha Debating Team. 4; Sigma Sigma Tall "Joe". . a mainstay of the basketball team Known to everyone as "Toddy" bright, for foul' years. . when college sports are winning smile and shining black hail over, sailing and swimming are favorite never to be forgotten For her part in kid- summer activities . spends vacation lime napping two Hopkins boys before the Hop- on Chesapeake Bay. . psych major and kins game--"It was so funny!" economics minor ... waiter freshman year nomics major who has already proved her ... Air Corps 1945 10 1946, returned to ability by managing Smith's Dress Shop, W1\IlC November '46 even-tempered Ocean City ... an authority on the inter- with no violent likes or dislikes. . has a national scene . familiar figure in the new girl every year. . tentative plans for grille ... efficient and responsible. personnel work. . sharp dresser. 106
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