Page 113 - YB1948_Classical
P. 113
HELEN ESTELLE WALKER BEVERLY V. WALLlS 8 East Second Street 300 West Hawthorne Road Frederick, Maryland Linthicum Heights, Maryland HOllie Economics Club 2; French cu: J, 2; Hockey 1, 2; WAA .1, 2; Delta Sigm.a Tri-Be/'o, 3, 4 Kappa A biology major with a yen For bright Pretty and loveable Bev talented art lights, night clubs, and little yellow con- major ... proud of that suit never has vertibles . _ in spite of all this, devotes a free afternoon; therefore always I~urning much time to current fad of knitting argyles the midnight oil ... always a member or a . noted for never spending a week-end 011 decorating committee ... never a dull mo- cumpus ... will defend the Gettysburg ment ... infectious laugh ... full of fun chapter of rx at the drop of a sombrero and fancy free . can he counted upon 10 rabid shore fun who spends her summers at lend a helping hand ... stylish dresser. either Ocean City or Atlantic City-pre- the longer skirts get, the better she likes it. ferably the latter. 110
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