Page 114 - YB1948_Classical
P. 114
VIRGINIA GREGORY WALTERS JOSEPH SHOYER WARD 58 East 79th Street 23 Pine Terrace New York 21, New York Short Hills, New Jersey Sigma Sigma. Tall, Secretory, President 4- Choir 3, 4; Pi Alpha. Alpha "Ginny". . has more majors and minot's "Joe" ... sings a mean buss-c-especiully ill than anyone else. . dynamic personality the shower .. transf or from Drew Univer- . . . outstanding imagination and generosity sity. . biology major, muth minor . ... "Oh, that singing" ... loves week-ends gaged LO a WMC coed, class of '46. . has away. always has a good time. . has an infectious laugh. . wields a wicked taken the education department by storm ping pong paddle February graduate . endlessly supports WMC library .. would rather sleep and eat ... likes a constantly knocking herself out for Dean's good argument ... very praotioal-minded List . what wonders lie at the bottom of person .. has mechanical ability, probably Ginny's closet? hopes La go on to Colurn- from tinkering with old cars. . "WeU.H, bia ... loves horses and tennis ... wonder. if you twist my arm just a little .. ful roommate. III
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