Page 104 - YB1948_Classical
P. 104
DONALD SMYTH JEAN LEE SOMERVlLLE 105 Sullivan Road Darlington, Maryland Westminster, Maryland Interfraternity Council l ;Soccer J; College Choir J, 2; Phi Alph{/, Mn Orchestra J; Alpha Gal/una. Tou, Treasurer 3, President 4 "Don" ... popular president or the Bache- Finds it hard to divide the day between lor fraternity ... started at Western Mary- sleep, bridge, sleep and records ... during land in '41. . returned to the Hi 1.1 after her waking hours (there are a few) she is three years in the army. . married WMC a conscientious English major who knows cooed, WaHy Haile, ex '4-8 .. proud father her quotes ... Phi Alpha Mu, Darlington of a daughter, Susan . majoring in eco- and Pocomoke occupy her social life, plus nomics, minoring in education ... partici- visits Lo Baltimore to chat with Schmidt pant in many of the Fraternity and campus . an avid "Shore" fun during the summer activities .. liked for his practical think. months, though she vows she can't swim a ing .. tentatively plans 011 Leaching. stroke ... "I feel a nameless lethargy com" ing o'er Inc 101
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