Page 110 - YB1948_Classical
P. 110
MAny DEXTER TOMPKINS HUGH BENJAMIN THESSELT 5407 Falls Road Terrace R.D. #4 Baltimore 10, Maryland Waynesboro, Pennsylvania Delta. Sigm.a Kappa, French Club, Home Economics Club, 4 February graduate who is already teaching "Binky" ... blonde and uuractive . . be- came a commuter in her senior year after science in Damascus. . V-12 midshipman earning her MRS.. . dry and subtle wit stationed at Villanova and Emmitsburg . coupled with a personality that is both dif- while at Emmitsburg mel Nancy Bowers, '47, at a WMC dance on a Student Govern- ferent and pleasing .. Toni Jan . proud ment-arranged blind date .. left navy in possessor of a new General Electric Refrig- .Tuly, 1946, and enrolled here in September, erator .. clever and original imitations 1946 ... married May '47. _tinkers with ... noted for her "Binkyisms'l-r-coine novel radios as 11 hobby and spends much time expressions for every occasion ... soft spot fixing his '35 Ford ... praises wire's cook- in her heart for elephants ... her loyalties now divided evenly between WMC and ing. Hopkins. 107
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