Page 100 - YB1947
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froM Row-Merriman, Blade., V. Dodd, G,umbine, Bo,tley, Bo,kmon, Kaetzel. 8a~k Row-Homme"I", He"hfeld, Mile., Silvey, M. Dodd, Ho.kin, Jenning' Functioning through six stonding committees, the President ROBERT GRUMBINE Student Christian Associotion seeks to include all Vice-president VIRGINIA DODD activities of religious and social significance in its Secretory HELEN MILES reo 1m and to integrate these interests into a well- rounded program to meet the needs of each stu- Treasurer MARY WRIGHT SILVEY dent on the Hill. "The future of man rests in the minds of the students of the world"-with this thought in mind, the annual drive of the World Student Service Fund was initiated during the month of November. Religious Emphasis Week brought 10 our corn, pus the Reverend Hoover Rupert, whose ideas were centered about the theme "Alive in Such An Age". The S. C. A. also sponsored Fireside Fellowship, a Halloween party, several informal dances, and the Negro nursery school, which is a concrete ex- pression of one race's good-will toward another. The silent meditations after breakfast each morning in the Chapel are another phase of our worship which is significantly growing. "H"lIoweM Porty-Ducking 10' Apple'" 96
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