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is necessary to have thirty hours of practice teach- petition exists among the four classes. Besides the ing in physical education. intra-mural program, there is a well-balanced The girls of the coaching class, and others who inter-collegiate program. are specializing in the field, officiate during the The association makes awards according to the winter at all Carroll County inter-high school bas- point system. Class numerals require ten points ketball gomes. The county ploy meets find the and are awarded for faithfulness throughout the girls on the job os they ofFiciote at the Corroll ond season to one or more pointgiving activities. A Frederick County Meets. Their work consists of gold "H" is awarded to any student who has to umpiring games and directing field events. The her credit 150 points for hiking. Those earning experience gained from this work is invaluable, 800 points are awarded a "WM" monogram and as the majors make practical application of the for 1,500 points earned, the honor is a gold chen- principles and theory learned in the classroom. ille "M". A green blozer is presented to senior "The game's the thing, never mind who wins," "M" women who have been outstanding in athletic is the motto upheld by the Women's Athletic As- accomplishment, service, spirit, ond scholarship. sociation, whose purpose is to promote athletics, At the close of each sports season, an honorary create a love of sports, and foster the ideo I of varsity team is elected by the executive board on good sportsmanship. Under the able guidance the basis of attendance at practice, skill, and of Miss Parker and Miss Todd, this organization quality of sportsmanship. directs all women's athletics aside from the regular The weather has been extremely favorable for physical education classes. The intra-mural pro- hockey this year, bringing good sized turnouts gram is the foundation upon which women's ath- from all classes. The sophomores were the class letics are based and, through this, much keen com- winners after a hard played and evenly matched Fronl Row~S, Di~on, McMohcn, 10ylor, Sleele Bode Rcw~Gcmber, Ruppenlhol. Ree'e, Minn;,
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