Page 149 - YB1947
P. 149
front Row-Resnick, Stern, Volkart, Carter, Weover. Sack Row-Yinglin9, Volk, Marlin. Moore, Coach Hurl. Professor Fronk Hurt hod his racquet swingers working out in Gill Gymnasium prior to spring vocation so that they could be in good condition by the start of the tennis season. Always the possessor of a winning team, the Professor has another good one this time. He has season veterans of the Terrors' courts in Ken Volk, Ken Vol kart, and Harry Yingling from pre-war squads, while AI Resnick, Roy Carter, Norman Stern, Doug Weaver and Rowe Moore broke in last spring. The Terrors met Georgetown, Gettysburg, and Dickinson in addition to Mason-Dixon foes in loyola, Hopkins, Woshington, Delaware, and Mt. St. Mary's. The netmen lost only two matches all seoson, the first to Georgetown and the other 10 Loyola. The loss to Loyola sent the Mason-Dixon championship 10 the undefeated Greyhounds. Ken Volk 145
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