Page 155 - YB1947
P. 155
championship. Margaret Ruppenthal, a sopho- son proved the worth of the extramural schedule. more, led the scorers with a totol of forty-three Volleyball look over in the three weeks before points for the season. spring vacation. The number of gi~ls participating The honorary vorsity basketball team did a fine in the intra-mural tournament was the largest in iob in upholding Western Maryland's reputation the history of Western Maryland. With three div- of never having lost a game against extra-mural isions, going at once, the schedule of games was campetition. The schedule held three games, with crowded. The junior class came out on top in the initial game being played in Blanche Ward Division A. The honorary team as chosen by the Gym on February 8. The first half of this game W. A. A. board includes Gladys Souse, Jean with Gettysburg was very close, but our team Souse, and Annette McMahon as forwards, with drew away in the last half to win by a score of Barbara Sowers as alternate. The centers are 21 to 14. On February 15 the team [oumeyed Ruth Wentz, Reba Wentz, and Hope Kellam, with to Emmillsburg where they engaged SI. Joseph's Betty Benson as alternate. The backs consist of College. As in the earlier game the girls pulled Solly Smith, Martha Witter, and Margaret Roppen- ahead in the secand half ta win 38 to 25. Mt. St. thai, with Sue Dixon as alternate. Agnes came to Western Maryland on February Once again home plate was dusted off and the 23 and were defeated in a loosely played game, welcomed cry of "play ball" rang through the 25 to 14. The good sportsmanship, friendliness, spring air. This year the voice of the umpire was and spirit of play which prevailed during the sea- a new one. Miss Porker, our faithful umpire, had Wentz, Scott. G. Sau.e, Witter, K. Brown, Kellam, Wentz 151
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