Page 146 - YB1947
P. 146
Front Row-Rice Volkort, Beoke., Thomp,on, Spicknall, McFadden, Cowon, Word, Howard. Bock Row-Mgr, Brandenberg, Boyle, Doiglei.h, Merriman, Christopher, O'Leary, Price, Hockman, Eorll, Phillips, Couher, Randall, Coach Jane. The Green and Gold soccer team made a formidable showing ~OCCE,[ this yeor as they brought this war casualty sport back 10 the Hill with a record of four wins against four losses and one lie. Operating for the first lime under the tutelage of Coach John Jones, the turfmen showed steady improvement through the sea- son until they faltered in their lost two games, losing both. Despite these lost two losses, the team managed to cop second place in the Moson-Dixon Conference and also look second in the Southern Division of the Middle Atlantic States Conference. Jones orgonized his resources well around Tom Price, Tom O'leary, and Ken Volkart, 011 of whom saw action here before the war. Price and Volkort went on to win All-South honors, playing in the first annual North-South Classic in Brooklyn, N. Y. The season's scoring was led by Ken Vol kart and Ernie McFod- den with five goals apiece, while frosh Bob logan garnered four, Joe Thompson, three, Wonye Cowan, two. Kelly Rice, Ed How ard, and Fletcher Word each had one marker. Bill Merriman turned in a fine Season at fullback; aiding goalie Jack Spicknall on many occasions by his ability to foil the enemy offense and clear the sphere to the line upfield. Delaware otHo.erfo,d,Pa 2 al Newark, Johns Hopkins Soli,bury 01 Bollimore, Md. 1 at Westminster, Md. " Frostburg Loyola ot Frostburg, Md. 8 at W"stmin.ter, Md 0 Gettysburg at Westminster, Md. 1 Washington Maryland 01 Westminster, Mol 3 at College Park, Md. 0 142
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