Page 143 - YB1947
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upsurge again saw the Terrors nipping Catholic University's Cardinals and then surprising with a 71 to 68 overtime verdict from Americon University. Usual ways were resumed as con- secutive losses to American University, Loyola, and Johns Hopkins closed the regulation season. Thus, in conference ploy the Ter- rors wound up in fifth place with a seven and seven record, while in overall competition, excluding the tourney, a seven wins and eleven losses record was the result. The Mason-Dixon playoffs discovered Western Maryland far- ing no better, as they dropped a sluggish 49 to 40 bailie to the Mounts, in the first round. The tournament was held in Wash- ington for the first time at the Catholic University's fieldhouse with Loyola the final victor. No single player can be picked as outstanding for the Terrors. When they were "on" they were all good and when they slipped, no man was the "qoot". High scorer for the season was freshman Walt Sibiski, followed by veteran Paul Zionkevicz. AI Jacobson, John Adamovich, Frank Stephenson, Joe Thomp- son, and Walt Piavis also sow much action, with AI Paul, Carroll Wallace, and Bill Seibert rounding out the squad. The local jayvee team, however, turned in a fine record of ten wins and two losses for the season. Only a strong Gettys- burg quint and a plucky Hopkins five were able to outlast Coach Mike Phillip's junior varsity. Outstanding wins were garnered twice over Loyola, and single victories were chalked up against such outfits as Dickinson, Johns Hopkins, and the American Legion. Ed Elliot was a standout performer supported by Jock Spicknall, Joe Macie, Len Zawacki, AI Resnick, AI Bright, Vance Hole, Ernie Burch ond Dan Bradley. Zionk Gets One Agoin.! Sho'men Zlonh~ic. Score'
   138   139   140   141   142   143   144   145   146   147   148