Page 130 - YB1947
P. 130
gamma !BEta Chi Vice·chi SECOND SEMESTER ED NYGREN JIM DUDLEY William Holl Kenneth Volk The fall semester opened the twenty-ftfth year Yolk's feeble attempts at critical wit ond excellent of Gamma Beta Chi and activities included the wielding of the ping-pong paddle; Chorlie War- usual smoker, 0 new champion touch football ner's dissertations "which will take only 0 few min- team, and a most successful Christmas dance. utes" and his pre-meeting proyers; ond Paul Miller The fraternity will miss Bill Hell's limericks and as Sandy's lost badyguord ond h·s consistent fine administrative ability; Ed Nygr'en's dry sense trouncing of Bill Holl in ping-pong. of humar and dramatic rebultals; Harry Yingling's Thus ended another year of a fraternity of men, tirades interspersed with "uh's" and his "lightning" each contributing a unique personality toward an bridge playing; Nick Plscconc's serious vein af ever greater fellowship. thought alang with his keyboard virtuosity; Kenny W. HolI, londouer. Volk, Dudley, Yingling, Noble 126
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