Page 134 - YB1947
P. 134
The R. O. T. C. has proven its worth as a means This year the advanced course has been organ- of creating in peace time a reservoir of Reserve ized on the Hill after a four-year absence. Many Offkers to be called upon in time of notional veterans have chosen to take the course, not only emergency. because of the reserve commission anticipated, but With the excellent instruction from regular Ar- also because of the added incentive of army pay. my personnel, men are prepared to become lead- It is required, however, that each man go to camp ers. Colonel Carleton Smith, along with Major for six weeks between his junior and senior years Charles Du Bose, Mj5gt. Neff, M/5gt. Puryear, in the R. O. T. C. and 1/5gt. Derrick make up our staff doing this This summer the group will be going to Camp work. The study of military science trains the Meade. Here representatives from all the Infan- mind for quick thinking, accurate observations, try units on the coast will be attending. The and rational [udqment. It is a developer of both theories of 'drill and the tactics which have been the mind and the body. learned during the winter will be put into practice. 130
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