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cf71pha gamma 9au Alpha ART O'KEEFE MICHAEL PHILLIPS ~i~:::ha CHARLES HARDEN '"" KAOHLIN COFFMAN Chaplain PETE YOUNG8LOOD Sergeant-ol-a,m, CARLTON MENDELL Alpha ART O'KEEFE TOMMY PRICE ~i~:.:I:ha ROY CARTER '"" KAOHLIN COFFMAN PETE YOUNGBLOOD Chaplain Serg@ant-aJ-arm, MICHAEL PHILLIPS Art O'Keefe The familiar strains of the club song remained Launching its charges into the Intra-Mural sports in the fraternity room as Alpha Gamma Tau re- program, Alpha Gamma Tau captured second sumed its pre-war position on the Hill. Fifty-three place in football. The basketball team came new members were pledged to swell the ranks through undefeated, while the volleyball and soft- ball teams were also a credit to the club. left by the war years. On the social side, Alpha Gamma Tau held The Homecoming Dance was Bachelor-sponsor- three parties, climaxed by the annual banquet on ed and drew the largest donee crowd in Western May 6, when oftkers for the coming year were Maryland history. And it was the Bachelor Fra- elected. Card parties, bowling parties, and pic- ternity that supplied hot dogs and cokes during nics with our sister Delts rounded out the social the football season. Coffman, Mendell, M. Phillip., O'Keefe, Harden, Youngblood, Prof. Hurt 122
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