Page 135 - YB1947
P. 135
For most of the men, this training will not be new, military training on the Hill for the past few years. but in order to become efficient officers, they must The purposes of the Officers' Club are to devel- learn to give orders as well as receive them. op good citizenship, promote the study of military The basic unit has made a very good showing problems, and provide fellowship for the senior this year. Next year, the military department officers, with the Army as a common interest. hopes for a larger unit and more complete equip- The major function of the Officers' Club this ment. year was the organiZation and presentation of the BAND Military 8011 held on March 15 in Gill Gym. After a two year absence the R. O. T. C. band was reorganized this fall. Though small, the bond mode a good showing during football season, and established a precedent by playing at bas- ketball games. Director Philip Royer expects a larger membership next year, and hopes to pre- sent the traditional concert in early spring. OFFICERS' CLUB Organized in 1926, the club's membership has always been limited 10 senior cadet officers of the R. O. T. C. This year, however, it is made up of junior members also, due to the discontinuation of fron' Row-Bradley, Worehime, Yoglin,ki, Pindell, Ortenzi lIad Row_lIroflOwn, Wagner, Lovelace, Knipp 131
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