Page 128 - YB1947
P. 128
President SIGURD JENSEN Vic@·pre,ident N. J. WQlFSHEIMER Secreta,y CHARLES CHLAD Tr@a.ur@' GEORGE STEPHENS Chapl,,;n WAYNE COWAN WALTER-DORSEY N. J. WOlFSHEIMER Vice.president CHARLES CHLAD Secretary WALLACE RAU8ENHEIMER T,e".uc@r RICHARD 8ROWN Chapl"in WALTER DORSEY, HOMER EARLL S;gurdJensen A good many Tuesday night meetings have eeptonces. This pushed the membership roll up passed by since that day in February, 1946, when to sixty-three, an all-time high. eight returned veterans helped Mr. Jones move The Mid-Year Hop was presented by Delta Pi his public relations ofFke out of the clubroom and Alpha, on February 1. A large crowd danced to regained possession of the fraternity. With the the music of Carl Hamilton's orchestra amid the opening of the fall semester, President Sig Jensen purple and gold decorations of Gill Gymnasium. took over the reins and the touch football team The climax of the year will be the spring ban- was organized. quet, featuring the distribution of the annual frat- After Christmas vacation was over, bids went ernity yearbook, and the bidding of a fond fare- out, followed by a record number of thirty-six ac- well to the thirteen departing seniors. Stephens. Walfshe;me" S. Jensen, Chlad. W. Dorsey. 124
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