Page 106 - YB1947
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f,onl Row-C. Spongier, M, Dodd, Wott, Lines, Aluander, D Hyder, L Scott. Harper, 8. little. L Royer, Gilli., A. Dixon. V. Dodd, Prof, de long. Second Row-M. Spangler, Wilson. 8arlnel. Daughtrey. Hordester. Murcoy, Milby, Stevens, A. l, 8utler. Ho,kin. Miles, 8enson, lackey. Riker. Bi.hap. Brodham. 80ck Row-Royer. Day, J. Doherty. J. Elliot. Earll. Stevens, Twigg. B. Narmon, G. Normon, E. Elliott. E. Doherty. Mann. Fron! Ro...._Clement. Cole. Miller, Kru,er, lowe, H. Roy, F. Roy. Second Row-Armacost, Reamer, Conway. Brilhart, Coole. Noill. Shuppe,t. Blick. Gorsuch. Boiler. Buderer, Beyer, Monlove, Clarke, Ewen. Cox. Third Row-Zimmermon, Hormon. Ellioll, Lockey, Sonner. Buhrmon. L Royer, Nettleship. Morsden. Hoover. 80yer. 8uller, L Scoll. B. J. Morri •. 80ck Row-Alexonder, Hordesly, D Hyder Coblentz, Price, Auld. Ave". Rice. 80rtley. Bi,hop. 8runing. The college music department is represented by The Christmas program traditionally included the three outstanding organizations: the choir, orches- famous "Holleluloh Chorus" by Handel, which made a lasting impression on each listener, and tra, and glee club. With the presentation of special anthems and the spring concert climaxed the year's work with solos, the College Choir, under the direction of the presentation of Rrahms' "Requiem", a magni- Mr. Alfred DeLong, and accompanied by Mr. ficent work illustrating the true genius of the com- Oliver Spangler, made a sign:ticont conlribution poser. to chapel services and presented special concerts The College Orchestra, under the baton of Mr. at Christmas and Easter which are unforgettable. Philip Royer and his student conductors, presented 102
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