Page 100 - YB1946
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This has been a year filled with won- derful memories for the Sigmas. Summer found us on an Ocean City house-party. Some of us became engaged. and some even married. In the fall we returned to the Hill where we welcomed new mem- bers. visited the Marshalls, and played hostess to our sister alumni. The New Year started off right with a banquet at the Charles Carroll, followed by a movie. Then followed our birthday party, the rush tea in McDaniel Lounge. and Tramp Hollow reached after a fun-maklnq hayride. BeĀ· fore we realized it the year was over. At a ne'er-to-be-forqotten banquet we bid adieu to our seniors, promising to keep forever the "friendship and faith" we dis- covered together in Sigma Sigma Tau. Sigmi! initiates don gentlemen's attire and mustaches Front: r. Shirley. Secretary 1st Sern.: B. Richler. Treasurer 2nd Sem. Rei!r; N. Shipley, Treasurer 1st Sem.; D: Hines. Vice-President 1st Sern.: J. Burtis. President 1st Sern.; B Mulholland. President 2nd Sern.: M. L. Reese. Vice-President 2nd Sern.: T. Jones, Secretary 2nd Sern. 94
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