Page 94 - YB1945_Classical
P. 94
D. Bliz"1'",1 A. P"ffenberger J. Neville IlII.PPIl. PI II.LPHII. The opening of the Hospian'a second Carroll Hotel, lind Mr. Huvcr, dub sponsor. year on the Hill found only eight of last gave nn inspir-ing message. year's Lhirty members on hand to carryon. Christmas called forth the noll' tradi- Each 111(111, reali;.o;ing the added individual tioual Midnight Hospian Party which was responsibility, was eager to insure the celebrated in complete fashion-even with origu.«! ideals of Kappa Pi Alpha and was "Poffie's number three routine." On April anxious to make this year's dub activities 23rd the senior officers turned over the successful. affairs for the remainder of the year to \Vith Dennis Blizard as President, and underclassmen, Donald Fedder, James Cul- Roberl Adams, Allen Poffenberger and hane, and Ronald Dashiell. With instability .Tack Neville as other officers, the club's population, the the maintenance of \V.M.C.'s male Pi of Kappa principles of Brotherhood and Service were Alpha presents a problem, but all members re-affirmed. In the fall, a rush party was hope thut as long as even one or two of given at which all Freshman boys were their rank return in future years the spuit guests of the Hoepians. On November 14th of this unique organization will not he- at the formal initiat-ion fourteen new memo come extinguished because the llospians bers were added to the brotherhood. The noll' feel that the)' are a definite part of the club held its annual banquet at the Charles extra-curricular life on the Hill. S"flleol, J. Ncvill~)D. Illiznrd, A. PolTe"hcr· goer; S/(",~Iillg' D_ Ilroh"",n, J. Culhane, D. Feddo-, I:. I\lllllig"", J. Thoml)SOn, R. D,,~h_ reu, E. j osrtec, n. MaUlIx. 91
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