Page 89 - YB1945_Classical
P. 89
PHI ALPHA MU Hello .. Yes, is she. Tell you seniors. The only three girls graduating about this past . O.K .... Here were our sisters-c-Ramsburg, Spaulding, goes; and Young, and how proud we were of Well, you can imagine the commotion them! But Thelma didn't keep her last that first night in the Phi Alph clubroom. name very long. That night she exchanged Engagement rings, exciting tales about the it for Friedel in Baker Chapel. Another past sum Iller, and new romances mingled Phi Alph-Gamma Bet tie! Cupid certainly into one big "bull session." But we didn't shot his darts in the Phi Alph direction for sit around and jabber for the next month. the other two graduates followed in the We gdt busy and "dressed up" our club. footsteps of their prexy. room. It caused a lot. of backaches and One big event led to another when we sore knees, but we had fun anyhow. had our rush tea [or the freshmen in Feb- New members? . Oh yes, "all clouds ruary. Springtime brought forth the did vanish and skies were blue" when all of our bids were accepted. Those pledges alumnae tea in Baltimore, the "Hobo looked quite fetching as pirates, hobos, and Hitch" for the freshmen, our traditional old- fashioned girls during initiation. May Day tea, and finally the farewell ban. . . . Oh yes, we had our Christmas party quet to our seniors . lind our banquet this year. And ill Fcbru- Time's up? Oh, O.K. operator. ary \\'0 had to say farewell ro three of our That's about all «uywcy. So long!
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