Page 84 - YB1945_Classical
P. 84
life, !!tiRing many of the h'aditional activities anti giving birth to suhstitutea. With constant and fil'lIl resolution we have striven to maintain a well·halanced IU'Ogl'fil11 in spite of many obstaelea. Cluhs and sororities have continued to Junction with unfaltering potency. l\tany new societies such as the "Hey-Moon!" have heen Jormctl 011 call1lJlls. Saturday night parties, basketball games, and bull eceetoos 'HIve lent themselves to 0111' memories of a life which has been neither all wor-k nor all play. IUusie, dramatic art, and langlHlge gr-oupe htn'c contrihl1tetl lasting Iofluencea, incl'easing 0111' nee- thetic appreciation. Through these cultural events, we have found consolation in the Inet that despite the chaos which the wru- has wrought, the finel' things oJ life live 011. We have worked together; we have played to. gerber. As the inheritors of a confused worltl, we feel confident that we can fit ourselves into a com- plex society that will r-equtee our rich haekge-ouuel of cooperation und leader-ship, 81
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