Page 86 - YB1945_Classical
P. 86
DELTA SIGMA KAPPA Allow year started-just another in the HOld. . The February rush lea. Auut history of Delta Sigma Kappa sisterhood, Wilsie's bridge pa'rLY ... May OHY when but a memorable one. Lights burned until our sister was crowned Queen and the the wee hours in our- clubroom. It seemed alumnae tea afterwards with the jumping strange nOI having with LISour sisters who mothballs ... The swimming party ... weren't back; but we pledged our new We had a busy and enjoyable year, Delta shortly and once again the clubroom brought to a close by the memorable was full, first with witches, rabbits, and Senior Banquet. As we sang our club song worms and then with sisters in white Ink for the last time together, our eyes were iug formal iniriarion. That night they be- misty and our lips quivered-but still we came a part of the real Delt spirit. sang proudly. Though miles Illay separate As sisters we made our plans, working us, the spirit of Delta Sigma Kappa will together. Nell' slip covers transformed the remain in our hearts. Tuesday night meet. clubroom .. Santa's gifts and peels of iugs, bull sessions, bridge games, tears and laughter at the Christmas party ... Our laughter. We'll never forget these hours birthday dinner at the Charles Carroll shared. \Ve'li never forget, "sisters always."
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