Page 92 - YB1945_Classical
P. 92
SIGMA SIGMA TAU "Ready, willing and able" was the motto of the Sigmas as we started on a grand and glorious year. Mrs. Marshall was chosen as our sponsor and became the "guiding light" of Sigma Sigma Tau. Thirteen new members were added 10 OUf circle. After the combined torture and ~olemnity of initiation, they realized what it is to he a true Sigma and to possess "that wonderful spirit binding us for aye." Work became fun when we all pitched in and Kem.toned the clubroom. Then The D""dies when old SI. Nick came to the hill, he found all the Sigmas in the holly-wreathed dub room for their annual Christmas Party. were the fashion, and we became "hicks On February 16, we went to the Charles for a day" once again. Carroll Hotel for a real steak dinner. As Before we realized it, school was almost the first signs of Spring came on the over and the lime had come to say "good. campus, we held our annual rush tea. An- bye." We held our senior farewell banquet other enjoyable evening was had by all at at the Carroll Holel. Though our Seniors Mrs. Reese's dinner. Tn April we hitched will leave us they will always be remem- ourselves to a wagon and went out to bered for their "friendship and faith" in Tramp Hollow. Straw hats and denims Sigma Sigma Tau.
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