Page 63 - YB1944
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Wearers of the Green and Gold Registration day: Prof. delong points the way We get the "woiks" we escaped with the realization that the mural sports, wrote for the Gold Bug, and sophomores, once their shell was cracked, joined various organizations. were really "nice kids." It is spring now. The last few grains of By the time initiation was over, we no sand are slipping to the lower half of the longer felt like a biology specimen under high hour-glass. Our first year of college is just power. We were going to classes, learning about over. It has been an unforgettable the professors' whims; we knew what the grill year. We won't deny that there were times had to offer, we had cokes at Earl's, we had when we felt like "pulling the cord"-toward sized up the A. S. T. P. cadets as swell fellows, the end of the semester. But when we saw we had wandered over the campus. Oh the seniors we liked and admired so much yes, we heard about the seventh green. We marching in their caps and gowns with tears found out what it meant to slip quietly into in their eyes-the cord remained unpulled. the chapel each morning. We came to love There have been times when we wondered everything about our new home. what college was like when there were foot- Then Sadie Hawkins' Day caught us in its ball games, pep assemblies, table cloths, yes, spell and we joined whole-heartedly in the and butter. fun. At the Homecoming Ball we caught our But we believe that that day will come first glimpse of the formal dances-we were again-and soon. Until it does we're going pleased, and so we supported all the other to do our level best to uphold that grand old dances enthusiastically. spirit of the Green and Gold and of Western It wasn't only to the social activities that we Maryland, the college we have learned to lent our energy. We took part in the intra- love. 57
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