Page 59 - YB1944
P. 59
PRESIDENT: Alice Kuhn VICE-PRESIDENT: Gale Lodge SECRETARY: Ruth Miles TREASURER: Kitty Waring HISTORIAN: Janet Lee Baugher SEATED: A. Kuhn, K. Waring, G. Lodge; STANDING: R. Miles, J. L. Baugher. Our class history combines the old W.M.C. dered when W.M.C. would be the same and the new. We know less of the famous again. Hill than any class ahead of us, and more There were still some men left our sopho- than the classes that are to follow. more year, and we had our dances, our When we came to the Hill, bewildered, dates, our trips back campus, and life at least ambitious, idealistic freshmen, we came to resembled the life we first knew as freshmen. much the same place that freshmen had been When we left for home that spring, we coming to for years. Like those that we fol- knew that many of our goodbye's wouldn't lowed, we were oriented, hazed, and rushed; be hello's in the fall, and we knew that the and we entered into this whirl of things with class of '45 was getting smaller. great enthusiasm. If we had seen a changing Hill in the fall Then came our entry into the war. We of '42-we saw a changed Hill in the fall of shed our tears, bought our yarn, but we didn't '43. We found that the Army had taken over quite realize then how many of our boys part of the campus, that the boys' dorms were would trade the '45 rat cap for a helmet. The "barracks," and meals were "chow." But we shock of the war news passed into talk of the Christmas holidays and then seemed to lose got to know the soldiers. We dated some of them, went to their dances, and adjusted to itself in the rest of the year's happenings. When we came back to reign as sopho- this new life. We couldn't have a junior prom more kings, we saw a changing Hill. We so we had a junior outing; we had the cup didn't miss only the seniors, as was the custom, ceremony for the seniors, and tears at gradu- but we missed all the boys whose names ap- ation. peared on the "roll of honor," and we We had a prayer in our hearts. We have watched other boys walk through the arch for been the class of the changing Hill and a the last time. We went to the station with changing world. We hope for one more some, we said goodbye to all, and we won- change before we get our diplomas-PEACE! 53
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