Page 62 - YB1944
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LEFT TO RIGHT, FIRST ROW: S. Snyder, B. Powell, M. J. Collerd, H. Frantz; SECOND ROW: A. Klein, E. Pearson, B. Dupuy; THIRD ROW: C. Palmer, E. Clark, M. Davies, P. Jones, M. Bratt, I. Marcuson, A. Studds, J. Prokaska, A. Chen, A. Butler, A. Gehr, L. Gillis, J. Cassatt, D. Payne, V. Hoffmeister, J. Hastings, M. Stoffregen, J. Shaneman, P. Shultz, P. Furness, J. Fluke, M. Dare, R. Hoey, K. Wheeler; FOURTH ROW: J. Hauver, J. Milholland, E. Hahn, A. Little, S. Leese, J. Ward, S. Moore, B. Streeter, J. Morris, K. Koester, B. Holland, J. Gelhaus, B. Burgee, M. Cassen, J. McDowell, L. Garner, M. Lyle, M. L. Stevens, T. Evans, V. Carr, J. Breeding, B. Brittner, A. Maxwell, J. Divers, M. Kennedy, A. Cain, H. Harris; FIFTH ROW: N. Bowers, E. Sheeley, T. Howe, M. Statler, D. Anderson, B. Blades, N. Pumphrey, B. Miller, A. Fullerton, C. Leatherwood, H. Lewis, H. Eckdahl, B. Shockley, G. Coulter, S. Jones, C. Stone; SIXTH ROW: T. Croft, E. Bruner, R. Austin, K. Kennedy, Q. Day, R. Kirwan, J. Ford, B. Hawkins, R. Van Vliet, J. Neville, B. Lines, E. Cushen, J. Del Vecchio, F. Hatem, P. Moore, F. Eckhardt, J. Gross; SEVENTH ROW: C. Storer, B. Cook, M. Frank, A. Wildberger, T. Todd, R. Hendrickson, S. Brewer, F. Middleton, J. Dorsey, E. Brewington. Yes, even freshmen have a history. It began best to keep W. M. C. like it always had been. on a bright and windy day in October when During a glorious week of orientation, with a large class of students-to-be registered for the aid of a very friendly and interested the year 1943-1944. faculty and a congenial and spirited body of Our country was at war. We realized that upperclassmen, we came to understand all the college life wouldn't be the same as in years fine things W. M. C. stands for and what past. The residents in Ward Hall were very would be expected of us as the freshman much in the minority. Many who had chosen class. Western Maryland to be their alma mater Freshmen are traditionally green. We were far away working and fighting for the were no exception. Just as we were begin- right and privilege of a college education. So ning to see the light, "rat week" and the it was for those of us who could be here to sophomores descended upon us and we sank enter into the spirit of things and do our very deeper into the depths of ignominity. At last 56
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