Page 60 - YB1944
P. 60
PRESIDENT: Robert Harrison VICE-PRESIDENT: Earl Morey SECRETARY: Nina Mizell TREASURER: Carroll Doggett HISTORIAN: Robert Adams STANDING: C. Doggett, R. Harrison; SEATED: R. Adams, N. Mize", E. Morey. "We are the gay young sophomores ... " very keenly, and had very little time for horse- It was with pride in our hearts and joy writ- play which we might have enjoyed in other, ten across our faces that we sang that time- less serious times. honored ditty as we walked under the arch- Christmas holidays came' and went. We way that sunny October day which ushered in worked hard between New Year's and the the first day of the 1943-44 year at Western end of the semester, wondering if it was Pro- Maryland College. fessor Makosky's GOLD BUG article that We looked back over our freshman year made the profs pile it on so. The new semes- with mixed feelings, remembering the great ter came, and we looked forward out of a fun we had, but remembering also the fact bleak, cold February to the coming of spring that nearly one hundred boys from our class as we knew it last year, when the grass turned would not be back this fall, having left to green on the seventh green, and the trees serve their country in its need. Many of us, began to leaf, and the campus put on its new too, could look back on a fun-filled, work- spring outfit in company with the new finery packed summer session, which had advanced of the co-eds. Spring dances, plays in Alumni our standing by a half-year. Hall, over the campus in the moonlight, the We missed a lot of the things this fall which feeling of expectancy that comes as the se- we had looked forward to as freshmen: fra- mester draws near to an end. ternity activities, football games, and numer- Yes, we realize that our college experi- ous other things which pre-war sophs had en- ences are not like those which classes before joyed. But within us there was a new spirit, us have enjoyed; but we intend to carryon the a spirit born of the war, the feeling of a new W.M.C. traditions as best we can, and to and serious attitude toward our work. As a eventually see them turned over to a freshman whole, those of us who made up the male class that will find itself at the beginning of section of the class felt our responsibilities a normal college career. 54
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