Page 68 - YB1944
P. 68
eII~ · · · 1944 $4'e With the shadow of airplanes over her campus, Western Maryland welcomed alumni to another Homecoming, November 20, 1944. Our changing Hill produced a changed Homecoming. With the war placing a ban upon football, our two hundred fifty cadets presented to an attentive, if small, group of alumni and students a mock battle. Before our eyes planes swooped and dove at imaginary targets, while in and around Hoffa Field two armies "fought" amid the realistic staccato sound of machine guns. While lieutenant Richards described the battle, the two armies fought to a finish. Following the surrender of the "Red Army" to the "Blue Army," Rebecca larmore, lovely Homecoming Queen, presented Mrs. Fred Holloway with the traditional bouquet of gold chrysanthemums. Then the queen and her court watched the R. O. T. C. and the A. S. T. P. pass in review in strict precision drill. Climaxing the day's events was a dance, presented by the cadets in Gill Gymnasium. From the Queen to the "First Lady" LEFT TO RIGHT: Cadet R. Fowler, M. A. Smith, senior attendant, Cadet A. O'Keeffe, V. Horine, junior attendant, Cadet F. Kullmar, R. Larmore, Queen, Cadet C. Ahrnsbrak, E. Marsh, sophomore attendant, Cadet W. Preston, S. Snyder, freshman attendant. 62
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