Page 56 - YB1944
P. 56
PRESIDENT: Cordelia Price VICE-PRESIDENT: Clyde Hauff SECRETARY: William Harrington TREASURER: Rebecca Larmore HISTORIAN: Dorothy Thrush SEATED: C. Price, D. Thrush, R. Larmore. STANDING: C. Hauff, W. Harrington MEMORIES ... that's all we have now. visits to Marg and Earl's, but there was also Memories of our first day on the Hill, the work to be done and we knew it. shaky knees, the steady grind during the first And now we are the grand old seniors- semester, and finally the cocksureness that we have earned our right to that title; but every true freshman inherits. we've enjoyed earning it. Many of our men Green? Sure we were green. Who and women have left us to do their part to- wasn't? But now we realize that greenness wards national defense. As we went on our was part of the game. We had our hell carol-singing, occupied our front seats in night, rat rules, and general condescension Alumni Hall, had our senior breakfast, and bestowed upon us by our honored upper- finally were invested, we saw those empty classmen; but we had fun through it all. And seats and knew that the picture was not we soon found out the traditions and lore of complete. Western Maryland, and how important they Our class is small, true enough, but only in were, also just how precious. number-our ambitions, ideals and purposes War came after that, b:.rt it didn't seem to are not small, but great. We have a job touch us, until our class began to move out, ahead of us. The prospect is not pleasing, but we have faith that perhaps we and others just a few at a time, for the Army, Navy, of our own generation will be the ones to Marines, and Air Corps. Then we realized, instill peace, truth, and love into a world even while we were taking our fraternity and which seems to have forgotten these. We sorority initiations, that this war could soon feel that the end of our college years are im- take over. portant to us as a beginning of something As our class became smaller in our junior greater. Again we'll be green, as every year, we began to become serious and settle graduate is, again our knees will shake-but down. There was fun, sure-dances, parties, we've got a job to do-again, we'll do it! 50
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