Page 119 - YB1943
P. 119
Cadet Major Moore and Miss Cadet Lt. Col. Lodge and Miss Cadet Capt. Adjutant Baugher Frances Ogden Pearl Bodmer and Miss Ruth Hurley With war no longer a speculation. but a creation of three sets of officers for each com- reality. the senior members of the advanced pany. In a spirit of full cooperation. the R,O.T.C.. upon their return in September, seniors worked right into the new system. Per- entered into their role of cadet officers with the haps one reason for this was the introduction of greatest seriousness and determination to benefit instruction in bayonet and grenade for all senior to the fullest extent from such an opportunity men not working with the company orga niza- to prepare themselves for a fast approaching tions. military career. R.O.T.e. Of course. the main job of advanced Although the incentive for close-order drill men is not that of instructors but that of was dampened by the recall of all rifles by the students. How well this role was carried out Army for the training of troops on active duty. will be known only after service in the Regular Cadet Lt. Lee Lodge and his able assistants bad Army is reached. From most appearances. how- to work doubly hard La keep the scheduled drill ever. men entering the Army from \V.M.e. periods from being boresome to the soldier with intentions of becoming a second lieurenr without arms. Also. the number of men leaving college upon in the Infantry will be sure of success if the work request of the Army and the subsequent decrease evidenced on this campus is any insight at all in number of companies to two called for the into their capabilities and desired goals. 115
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