Page 122 - YB1943
P. 122
Left to right: Burroughs, Sklar, Evans, Orrison, Tinder, Higman, Purryer. RIflE TUM OFfiCERS CLUB Hampered by wartime restriction on trans- With Military affairs prominent in the daily portation the R.O.T,e. rifle team under the news. the Officers Club. consisting of all Senior tutelage of Staff Sgt. Rufus Puryear could nor R.O.T.C. students. has had no difficulty in meet the teams of other R.O.T.e. units in the selecting timely subjects for discussion in addi- Third Service Command of the Army as has tion to military subjects studied in the classroom. been the custom in the past. However. with such veteran men as Werner Orrison. James Perhaps the greatest achievement of the org ani- Higman. Marvin Evans. Allen Sklar, Donald zarion. in addition to sponsoring the annual Burroughs, Kenneth Burdette and James Tinder. Military Ball. was a panel discussion led by the team scores in the few matches fired were capable members of the faculty and open to higher than W.M.C. teams have been able to everyone on the political. geographical. and mili- amass in the past few years. tary aspects of the American invasion of Africa "Barrick Baugher Baylics Brooks Fleming Friedel Gu· Higman Jones Lodge Orrison Prettyman Price Robin.on Shuck Suffern Whiteford Williams Workman 118
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