Page 116 - YB1943
P. 116
'Toda y's world-wide conflict is not the first that Western Maryland College has had to face with both students and faculty desiring to answer the call of the armed services. Perhaps a little more dramatic than usual was the return of Dr. T. H. Lewis. the president of this insti- tution, from duty as cantonment religious director for the Y.M.CA. at Camp Wadsworth to deliver a Baccalaureate sermon to the class of 1918. Using as his text. "I am among you. as he that servcrh" Dr. Lewis delivered an elo- quent sermon which left a deep impression on the minds of all who heard it. His sermon was especial! y appropriate in those times of great opportunity for service to God and man. Dr. Lewis appeared in his regulation uniform instead of his usual cap and gown of former years. Dr. Thomas Hamilton Lewis BATTALION STAFF CADET LT. COL. LODGE, Center CADET MAJOR MOORE, Left CADET CAPTAIN ADJUTANT BAUGHER, Right 112
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