Page 123 - YB1943
P. 123
W( AR( TH( S(NIORS As seniors, we know that each personality has been altered by the past years. Retrospect brings fond mernories-e-memories that bring tears to our eyes, smiles to our lips, and threatens to shatter our senior dignity. It seems like yesterday that we were fresh- men. But at last we are seniors. recognizing ourselves as the class of innovations and alterations. We had known the campus of pre-war days--collegiate and carefree. We had seen the war emerge from the dark recesses of campus life to the foreground to alter our vision and to make us sober students with tasks to perform and goals towards which to work. Graduation-so long anticipated, so long hoped for-arrived. "Grand old seniors", dignified in cap and gown. march to receive diplomas. Our college life lies behind us. We took advantage of every moment of it. The world we face is not an ordered one-our dreams of rbe future may always be dreams. Bur we are the class of 1943; we have courage; we have deter- mination; we are unafraid. 119
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