Page 114 - YB1943
P. 114
Lt. Col. Charles M. Walton, P.M.S.&T. OUR WAR-TIME POLItY. .. WITH the advent of war to the United science and tactics. Headed by Lt. Col. Charles States, one good point of the military policy of M. Walton, P.M.S. t<5 T., and ably assisted by the country was clearly shown to all. The Capt. George Henry Caple and Lt. Bruce E. R.O.T.e. has proven its worth as a means of Ferguson. and Tech. Sgt. George Junior and creating in peace time a reservoir of Reserve Staff Sgt. Rufus Puryear. the Military Depart- Officers to be called on in time of national ment of the school became of paramount inter- emergency of war. Many now in the armed est in the every-day life of almost all the men. services who took only the basic course are With active duty imminent for every Cadet in thankful. as it has put them that much farther the R.O.T.e. Lt. Col. Walton and staff worked ahead of those unable to take advantage of such doubly hard to prepare the men to fill positions training. The real secret of the success of the of leadership. expected of them as college R,O.T.e. is that the quality of leadership and students in the Army. instruction offered by the Regular Army officers Perhaps the biggest addition to the COurse of and non-commissioned officers is the best. instruction was the endeavor to make all soldiers- Western Maryland College. indeed. has been to-be toughened. both in mind and body. fortunate in always having excellent Regular Spiritual toughening has long been one of the Army personnel detailed here to reach military biggest tasks confronting instructors in the 110
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