Page 115 - YB1942
P. 115
SCHEDULE Oct. 11 Massnnutten 17 Gettysburg 25 Mercersburg Academy 20 Nov. 1 Dickinson Jr. College 15 Bullis Prep 20 1941 FRESHMAN FOOTBALL In his first year of collegiate coaching, Charles Engle turned out an undefeated Coach Rip Ensle freshman eleven that won four games and were tied once in a five game schedule. In the opening game of the season, the freshman team traveled to Mnssanutren Military Academy and defeated the Soldiers lege was defeated 8 to 0 at \'V'il!iamsport, 9 to 7 on a last quarter field goal by Pennsylvania. Johnson added the other two Blanchette. Johnson caught a pass from points by tackling a Dickinson back behind Miller earlier in the game to give the Ter- his goal line. rors their touchdown. In the final game of the season, Bullis The Gettysburg Fresh were then met on Prep of \'V'ashington was defeated easily by foreign soil in a contest ending in a 7 to 7 the Frosh 20 to 6 on Hoffa Field. Coffman deadlock. The Baby Terrors scored in the figured in the scoring of all three \'V'estern first quarter on a pass from Coffman to Maryland touchdowns, passing to O'Hara Godwin. Blanchette then added the extra and Mendell for tWO tallies and carrying the point. Gettysburg tied the score with only ball over himself for the last score. Blanch- two minutes to play in the ball game. ette added the extra points by placement. Mercersburg Academy was then defeated In all, the frosh season was the best expe- 20 to 7 as Miller sparked the Baby Terrors rienced in many years and several of the attack scoring twice on long dashes. boys should figure in next year's varsity set- Coffman scored the only \'«estern Mary- up. Among the linemen, Kugler, Pia vis, land touchdown as Dickinson Junior Col- and Johnson are first team contenders. Sc"tcd, left to right: Schropp, Coffman, Caruso, Godwin, Mill .. , Blanchett .., Naul;z;, Kugler, Piavi •. K,.cdi"g: Wilson, Barker, O'Hara, Phillip., John,on, Mendell, Faughrnan, Resnick, Sta,.di,.g: Coach Engl .., Smyth, LangraU, Naef, Altfeldcr, Conley, Coach
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