Page 112 - YB1942
P. 112
S~"ted, I"'/t to right; Cohen, Kaplan, Soren..,n, Bricker, Gibton, Capuin Biasi, Lewi., Baker, Thomas,, Bohn. St"lfd;"lI, fir.t row: Coach Hav ..ns, Kinner, Jen.en, T..,uprake, Walls, Suffern, Terre.hinsk;, Bills, Orten2;, M~n,,-gcro Evans and S"Iu.g,,-v ..r. SocoNd rQUl' DeManns, O'Keeffc, Roby, Magowski, NataHzi, Madey, Phillips, Man.berger, P..nnington, Sly.of,ki, Barrick. VARSITY FOOTBALL With this handicap, coach Charlie Havens, and his assistants Rip Engle and Buck Rey- Again \'Vestern Maryland lost more foot- nolds, started early to develop a system chat ball games than were won as the Green would suit new players. Terrors won three, lost four, and tied one The Terrors started the season well, during the 1941 season. Some of these triumphing ovet Cortland College of New defeats may be traced to the inexperience of York State 34 to 6. First year men reaped the men playing varsity for the first time. four of the five touchdowns scored, as Art O'Keeffe crossed the paydirt line twice, Aui,t"Ht Coachu Rip Engle and Buck Reynold. Tom Terry and \Vane Bills, once. Captain lrv Biasi, seasoned tailback scored the other touchdown. Terry accounted for three extra points by placement and Kaplan, one. Next came the traditional tilt with the University of Maryland in the Baltimore Stadium. \Vestern Maryland showed its top form as it held the heavier Terrapin eleven, 6 to 6. The Old Liners outgained the Green Terrors throughout the contest; but, in the third period, Kaplan heaved a long pass to Biasi who was tackled on the Maryland three
   107   108   109   110   111   112   113   114   115   116   117