Page 90 - YB1941
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Another year, the seventeenth, is rounded out in the life of Delta Sigma Kappa sorority. This year is the continuation of a long and And sisters we'll always we ... colorful thread of friendship-sweet a~ a Officers fibre spun from sugar, salty as a sailor's yarn. First Semester The world saw Delta Sigma Kappa this year President DORIS LURKING as a gay and companionable two-score of girls Vice-President MILDRED MELVIN having one of the happiest and most prosper. Secretary MARY HASTINGS ous years in the club's history. Treasurer DOROTHY MULVEY In the fall, Baltimore saw chattering girls Sergeant-at-Arms MABEL CREENWOOD tumble from a bus into the Southern Hotel Corresponding Secretary PATRICIA WHITE for dinner and then into the Vagabond Thea- Second Semester tre for three acts of comedy. The campus President MILDRED MELVIN saw grim but determined pledges doing their Vice-President MABEL GREENWOOD chores at initiation. It heard music drifting Secretary MARY HASTINGS from the Lounge during the Inter-Sorority tea Treasurer DOROTHY MULVEY Sergeasu-at-Arnu BEATRICE BURKE dance. Westminster saw the Delts with the Corresponding Secretary PATRICIA WHITE glow Valentine's Day casts over girls celebrat- ing the club birthday at the City Restaurant. After each vacation, the campus heard the MELVIN, LURKING Dell club room spill over with laughter and gay voices as the Delt-sisters turned the room into a delicatessen and amassed a "feed." The Delt-Bachelor dance the first day of March, and the rush tea, always so painstak- ingly prepared for and pleasantly remem- bered; the spring rush party and a prayer for balmy weather; the bracing swim, a sunny snooze and a lavishly provided and ravenous- ly devoured picnic supper; the farewell ban- quet when hearts are as full as the red roses given each graduating sister-the Delta Sigma Kappa social calendar was full. Delts themselves know that behind these 86
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